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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The accomplishments of John Meares

John Meares was an important British civilian sea explorer. According to Dale A. Lambert some accomplishments of John Meares was that he explored Willapa Bay, Cape Disappointment, Cape Shoalwater, Tillamook Bay, and sailed 300 yards into the mouth of the Columbia River! Another accomplishment was that he sailed through the Straight of the Juan de Fuca, and through the Juan de Fuca Islands as well. John Meares also built the first lumber mill and ships in the Oregon Country. In the Encyclopaedia Brittanica, in 1778, John Meares traded furs with the Chinese and brought the first Chinese laborer's to North America. John Meares and the laborers settled in the Nootka Sound.
John Meares near Alaska and British Columbia.

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