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Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Cause of the Whitman Massacre

What I think caused the Whitman Massacre is the Natives thinking that Marcus Whitman losing his power to heal the sick. According to Dale A. Lambert, Marcus was healing settlers everywhere, and when the natives turned to him to help them, he couldn't. There were several other causes like the Cayuse Indians distrust for Narcissa Whitman. Also, Marcus injecting his watermelons with a disease which caused a lot of natives to be sick. But when Marcus couldn't cure them, I think, was the snapping point for the natives and they murdered 13 people including Marcus and Narcissa.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Were Protestants or Roman Catholics More Successful Converting Natives?

I say the Roman Catholics were more successful converting natives than the Protestants. Why I say this is because the Roman Catholics didn't want to change the Natives way of life, Dale A. Lambert says. Dale A. Lambert also states that the Roman Catholics didn't push for settlers to move out to the Pacific Northwest. According to the Encyclopaedia Brittanica also says that the Roman Catholics sent priests to the native tribes and live with them and teach them. The priests of the Roman Catholics used the "Catholic Ladder", which was a picture book showing the natives the life of Jesus Christ and other bible stories. Also, their ceremonies were more attractive to Native Americans. Finally, they sent people to teach them instead of having the natives come to live near the mission.
Roman Catholic Church

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Which Fur Trading Company Would I Copy?

Out of the four fur trading companies, I would choose to copy the Hudson Bay Company. Why I would like to copy them is because they were the most successful. According to Dale A. Lambert, the Hudson Bay Company monopolized almost all the fur trading companies. Also, according to Encyclopaedia Brittanica, the Hudson Bay Company had a large amount of of employees and a lot of support from Great Britain. The Hudson Bay Company also had Fort Vancouver placed at an intersection point of three rivers, so they could trade with natives faster and export goods faster as well. That is why I would like to copy the Hudson Bay Fur Company. Vancouver

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Which Fur Trading Company Was the Most Successful?

The fur company I say that was the most successful is the Rocky Mountain Fur Company. According to Dale A. Lambert, the Rocky Mountain Fur Company's employees were given a lot more independence than the other companies would have permitted. Also, Encyclopaedia Brittanica also said that instead of stationary trading posts, the Rocky Mountain Fur Company traded furs at rendezvous with Native Americans there. Finally, the trading company made some unique discoveries, such as the wagon route through the Rocky Mountains.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Hardest Part of Lewis and Clark's Journey

The hardest part, I think, of Lewis and Clark's journey was at the Bitterroot Mountains. According to National Geographic, Lewis and Clark ran out of their whiskey supply, which was considered safe, unlike the water there which was either undrinkable or frozen over. Also, they ran out of tobacco to trade with the Indians there. Encyclopaedia Brittanica said that Lewis and Clark were low on food so they had to eat their own horses. They needed the horses to cross the mountain, but they were on a food shortage so that's another reason why I chose the Bitterroot Mountain incident as Lewis and Clark's most challenging part of their journey.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

My Advertising Campaign

What I am doing for my advertising campaign is a commercial that is trying to get British people and explorers to come to Washington. Where I am targeting them is natural resources like trees, furs, and fish. I am also targeting the Northwest Passage which is a passageway through North America where they can trade easier with the Chinese.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Most Interesting Thing I Did On Spring Break

       The most interesting thing I did on spring break was going to see four schools in Spokane. Why this was interesting to me was that it gave me time to see which schools I liked and didn't like.
       The first school I went to was Mead high school. I really liked that high school. Why I liked Mead was that the people at Mead were very welcoming and cheerful. The counselor was really helpful and introduced us to a lot of the teachers. The principal of the school gave us a tour of the school. He showed us the new program the school had for engineering. The teacher was really nice there. He told us a story when he kept losing his pencil and finally made a device on the computer, and made a plastic prototype of the device out of a machine where you place the design in the computer and it creates it for you! We went on and met more teachers who were all very kind and willing to share stories with us.
       The next school we went to was Lewis and Clark. I didn't really like that school as much. It felt too off the ground and awkward to me. Also, the staff were not as nice as the Mead staff were. The worst part of the tour was that we caught it at a lunch hour!We didn't really like that one and moved on to the next school.
       We went to Ferris high school next. I didn't really like that one as much either. The staff were nice and gave us a tour, but to me, it was a bit too outdoorsy.  Ferris high school also looked and felt a bit old and worn down. The guide said that they would get it remodeled, but I'd already be a senior by then. So we moved on.
       Our final school was  Central Valley high school. I also liked this school evenly with Mead. This school is a lot bigger than C.H.S., but the tour guides and staff were friendly and the teachers wanted to share some stories with us. They took us all around and showed us how many trophies the band had won in all the competitions. The guides were really enthusiastic and helpful to us. It was a really good experience.
Mead High School logo.       Central Valley High School