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Friday, February 25, 2011

Welcome to the Web

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What I learned that was most interesting to me was______You can bookmark sights that you visit a lot_________.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Geography of Washington State

The geography of Washington is pretty straight forward. To the west of Washington lies the Pacific Ocean, the biggest body of water in the world! directly east of the Pacific Ocean is the Olympic Mountains. Directly east of the mountain is Puget Sound. The Sound is a body of water surrounded by lowlands, also called the Puget Sound. A little farther east is the Cascades Mountains. The Cascade Mountains act as a moisture barrier. The moisture is in the west, the east is dry. North of the Cascades is the Okanogan highlands. A little bit south, in the middle of the eastern part of the state is the Columbia Plateau. Near the Clarkston region is the Blue Mountains.

7 Regions

Out of all the seven regions of Washington, I would choose the Western Lowlands. I want to live here because the climate is nice, it is not too hot or too cold, 41- 45 degrees Fahrenheit in the winter and 73-78 degrees Fahrenheit. The average snowfall is 10- 20 inches per year.
The Western Lowlands provide good employment. In the Puget Sound area, there are two peninsulas which have several ports that import and export goods in and out of the country. In Seattle, there is the company Microsoft and other big corporations like Boeing aircraft company that hires a lot of people, both professional, like the engineers and civilian workers. 
All around the western Lowlands because of the weather, farming is really popular. I would not mind being a farmer. There are a lot of different crops there that I can grow, like peas, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, mint, artichokes, blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries. The growing season is from April to the middle of October. In the Skagit valley farmers can grow potatoes, flowers like tulips, vegetables and make dairy products.
In the Western Lowlands there are a lot of forests which provides jobs for loggers. That could be another job opportunity. The Western Lowlands not only has good job opportunities, it is also a very beautiful place to live.  There is the beautiful Cascade Mountains, Skagit River Valley, and Seattle. That's why I would choose to live in the Western Lowlands.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

How the Rainshadow Effects Washington's Economy

Rainfall in Washington ranges between 5 inches and 150 inches which is ideal for farming. According to Dale A. Lambert, the rain shadow creates rain which helps vegetation grow. According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, Washington farmers grow wheat, apples and potatoes. Washington is also rich in forest resources. People can harvest these trees and produce lumber and wood products to sell, and at the same time, replant more trees to replace the ones that have been cut down. By selling the wheat, apples, and potatoes, farmers will get the money by the sale and continue to grow their crops and make a profit. Lumber companies will also make money selling their wood products. All these different vegetation help generate a rich Washington economy.

According to American Automobile Association, Washington has beautiful parks and nature reserves that people like to visit. This is also from the rain shadow effect that makes Washington a beautiful, lush, and green state also known as the "Evergreen State". People like to visit Washington and enjoy these parks and therefore help the economy by spending money on these attractions.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Washington's Geography

The geological process, I say, has the most impact on the geography of Washington is the Subduction zone. The subduction zone is when two tectonic plates fight each other until one goes under the other tectonic plate. The nearest subduction zone in Washington is the Juan de Fuca plate and the North American plate, the Juan de Fuca on the bottom, and the North American on the top. I say that has the greatest impact on Washington's geography. Why I say this is because the plates friction causes volcanic eruptions. Over half of Washington was created by volcanic activity. Another reason is with the friction happening, one could buckle and cause an earthquake, causing landforms to be destroyed and new ones to form. The final  reason is that the volcanic activity that lasted millions and millions of years created the entire portion of Washington, so the activity of the two tectonic plates caused a lot of Washington to form, and could cause more landforms to form.