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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Washington's Geography

The geological process, I say, has the most impact on the geography of Washington is the Subduction zone. The subduction zone is when two tectonic plates fight each other until one goes under the other tectonic plate. The nearest subduction zone in Washington is the Juan de Fuca plate and the North American plate, the Juan de Fuca on the bottom, and the North American on the top. I say that has the greatest impact on Washington's geography. Why I say this is because the plates friction causes volcanic eruptions. Over half of Washington was created by volcanic activity. Another reason is with the friction happening, one could buckle and cause an earthquake, causing landforms to be destroyed and new ones to form. The final  reason is that the volcanic activity that lasted millions and millions of years created the entire portion of Washington, so the activity of the two tectonic plates caused a lot of Washington to form, and could cause more landforms to form. 

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